Due Dates & Fees

Due Date: 10th of the month. (If the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, then we allow you to pay it the following business day without penalties.)

Shutoff Notice & Fee: Shutoff notices are mailed after the 10th of the month. On the 16th of the month anyone who has not paid or has not made an agreement will be charged a $20.00 shut off notice charge.

Water Cutoffs & Reconnect Fee: Cutoffs are done 3 business days after the 16th of the month. Anyone who has not paid or made an agreement by the date on the shutoff notices will be charged a $50.00 reconnect fee on the date of shutoffs.
This fee is applied regardless of if the water has been disconnected.

IMPORTANT: Meter Tampering Rules

The City of Heavener has ordinances against customers turning meters on & off or tampering with meters in any way.
Meters should be operated by HUA personnel ONLY.
If you have a leak or an emergency where water needs
to be shut off immediately, then contact the on-call number at 1-866-753-8292, wait for prompt.

Meter Tampering Fines

Anyone that tampers with a water meter, can and will be issued a ticket from the Heavener PD.
(Tampering with Utilities)

If the water was disconnected for non-payment or is not supposed to be on for any reason,
and an HUA employee
finds that the water is on or sees more usage after the disconnection date,
then you will be issued 2 tickets from the
Heavener PD.
(Theft of Utilities & Tampering with Utilities).

Payment Agreements:
Agreements must be made on or by the 15th of the month. (NO EXECPTIONS) You are allowed to have 3 payment agreements a year. We do require that you pay a minimum of $10.00 toward your bill at the time the agreement is made. The 10% penalty will still be applied to your account, we will set up a date for you to come pay the remaining amount of the agreement. If you default on the payment agreement and do not pay the amount that the signed agreement says or do not pay by the date of the signed agreement, then you will not be allowed to have another agreement for 1 year. With a payment agreement, your water will not be shut off and you will not get charged the $20.00 shut off fee.